FAQ'S/ Meal Charging Policy
  • All $$ in your students accounts at the end of a school year remain there for the next school year.

  • If you are heading to the middle school or high school from Bow or Dunbarton elementary your accounts will go with you and you don't have to do anything.

  • Your 5 digit id will also remain the same.

  • If you owe $$ that will also follow you.

  • If you are graduating or leaving the district and have a balance in your account, you must request a check be mailed by emailing tcarbone@bownet.org with your mailing address and student name.

  • If you are graduating and have a sibling remaining in the district, your $$ will automatically be transferred to that students account. If you have more than one sibling it will be divided equally between them.

  • If you do not request a refund by September 1st of the upcoming school year, your $$ will be donated into a general account within food service to assist students in need.